
Identifying cropland non-agriculturalization with high representational

consistency from bi-temporal high-resolution remote sensing images:

From benchmark datasets to real-world application


  The Hi-CNA is a high-resolution remote sensing dataset dedicated to the cropland non-agriculturalization (CNA) tasks, featuring high-quality semantic and change annotations for cropland.The study area covers parts of Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, and Hubei provinces in China, with a total area exceeding 1100 km². These regions exhibit significant variations in crop planting, ensuring the diversity of cropland morphologies. The first temporal phase spans from 2015 to 2017,while the second phase ranges from 2020 to 2022, covering multiple phenological periods of crops.These characteristics provide a rich variety of samples for CNA tasks.

1.The Hi-CNA dataset
  The dataset is sourced from multispectral GF-2 fusion images with a spatial resolution of 0.8m,encompassing four bands including visible light and near-infrared. All images are cropped to 512*512, resulting in a total of 6797 pairs of dual-temporal images with corresponding annotations. An overview of this dataset is provided in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. The overview of the Hi-CNA dataset.(a) Study area. (b) Primary change types. (c) Images and annotations of selected scenes in Hi-CNA


  Table 1 presents the testing accuracy of multiple change detection methods on the Hi-CNA dataset.

Table. 1. Test results of multiple change detection methods on the Hi-CNA dataset.
Method OA(%) UA(%) PA(%) IoU(%) F1(%)
FC-EF[1] 91.41 72.2 69.89 55.07 71.03
FC-Siam-conc[1] 92.06 73.5 73.95 58.39 73.73
FC-Siam-diff[1] 87.86 58.23 68.68 46.01 63.03
SNUNet[2] 93.56 81.16 74.55 63.55 77.72
MSCANet[3] 92.71 75.85 75.66 60.97 75.76
BiT[4] 92.87 77.69 73.38 60.95 75.74
HANet[5] 92.79 77.98 73.63 60.27 75.21
DTCDSCN[6] 93.17 77.12 77.74 63.17 77.43
HRSCD Str.4[7] 91.91 71.32 77.38 59.02 77.23
ChangeMask[8] 92.97 80.11 75.17 62.72 77.2
CNANet[9](proposed) 93.81 81.1 76.83 65.16 78.9


  We hope that the release of the Hi-CNA dataset will promote the development of CNA detection. You can click the link below to download the data:
A large-scale high-resolution cropland non-agriculturalization (Hi-CNA) dataset
● Baidu Drive: download
● Google Drive: download


  The copyright belongs to Intelligent Data Extraction, Analysis and Applications of Remote Sensing(RSIDEA) academic research group, State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping, and Remote Sensing (LIESMARS), Wuhan University, China. The Hi-CNA dataset only can be used for academic purposes and need to cite the following paper, but any commercial use is prohibited. Any form of secondary development, including annotation work, is strictly prohibited for this dataset. Otherwise, RSIDEA of Wuhan University reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility.

Sun Z, Zhong Y, Wang X, et al. Identifying cropland non-agriculturalization with high representational consistency from bi-temporal high-resolution remote sensing images: From benchmark datasets to real-world application[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2024, 212: 454-474.
●  论文链接


  If you have any the problem or feedback in using Hi-CNA dataset, please contact:
  Mr. Zhendong Sun: sunzhendong@whu.edu.cn
  Dr. Xinyu Wang: wangxinyu@whu.edu.cn
  Prof. Yanfei Zhong: zhongyanfei@whu.edu.cn


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